Nicolas Sloan's Portfolio

A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.
-Doug Linder

Hello there! Welcome to the portfolio of Nicolas Sloan.
Below you can find a detailed representation of my background and experience.

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Photo of Nicolas Sloan
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HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Logos
I'm trained in full stack software development, with experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript...
Python Logo
C# and .Net logos
C#, .NET Framework,, MVC...
SQL Logo and Database icon
backend development, databases and SQL.
Contact image
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Nicolas Sloan


Passionate Full-Stack Software Developer eager to embark on a rewarding career journey! Proficient in a versatile array of languages and tools, including HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, C#, and .NET. My hands-on experience extends beyond coding – I currently excel as an Electronic Repair Technician, holding certifications from Samsung, Apple, and Google.

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